
Think.  Think Tank.  Think it over. Think before you act.

Think things through.  What will people think?  I can’t think.

What would your parents think?  No time to think.

Think before you speak.  Think you know it all, don’t you?

  1. Make yourself think
  2. I challenge you to think
  3. Do you demand yourself to think?
  4. Do you demand others to think?

When we are aware of the reasons why we don’t think -which causes us to slowly start to wither as a vibrant, inspired individual – we have the opportunity to really do something about it.  You know, to reverse it.

But that might be too hard for you, I think.

I mean, what do you think?

Hell Heck yes it’s difficult.  Why the hell heck do you think so few people have the guts to change anything, let alone change themselves.

PS.  This is the conversation I just had with myself. This happens all day, everyday.  My mind is a battlefield of what I want to do, should do, and actually do.  I think.

Paying Attention Pays

Yogi Berra, the baseball player who is also famous for saying, “Ninety percent of it is half mental”, and, “When you come to the fork in the road, take it”, also coined one of my all-time favorite sayings:

“You can observe a lot by watching”.

Walt Disney has taught me to watch and listen for what is done, and for what is not done.  And try to learn why.

And now I’m teaching our son.  Most of life’s secrets are pretty simple.

What’s challenging for most of us, myself included, is that we are easily distracted.  Easily swayed by peer pressure and society’s norms.

Walt Disney was a man who challenged the status quo, in virtually everything he did professionally.

Look where that got him.  One of the most creative minds in modern times.


Because he watched what wasn’t being done, and then did it.  Soon after, everyone else tried to catch him.

In a very humble sort of way, I can totally relate to Walt Disney.

Our son, at eight years old understands this, while many adults do not. Crazy. But true.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Here’s What We Also Talked About

Want to know what else we talked about?


Pros and cons of lists.

We didn’t get far because we quickly moved to content.

My friend suggested, in his opinion, my blog posts don’t exactly end with a finishing point.

For example, my friend said, “You don’t tell people what they should do”.

And I thought, “Perfect”!

It’s called facilitation.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂