Two nights ago, and an hour on the GoDaddy Tech support line, we did a Traceroute – IP Address related -and yesterday life in WordPress is back to normal. The web speed in WordPress felt like what a compound fracture must feel like in the wilderness.
A simple question, “What’s our vision?”, has the power to transform people, a department, an organization, an industry, the world.
What’s my vision with this Executive client?
A shared vision:
We work together to make our world a better place.
We work together in a rare, glorious, remarkable way that inspires great ideas and great people to do work that accomplishes great things, impossible things.
None of this will fly, however, if i want it more than you do.
The simple question is this, “Do you want it more than i do?”
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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A sheet of paper, three hand-drawn lines (was 6 boxes) and then brainstorm the DNA of past, present, future. The future isn’t listed on this sheet (yet).
Stumble is as stumble does.
Preparing a business proposal for a local client, an aha moment appeared.
What if two of the five time-tested Disney business blueprints were saved for the future?
Never thought of it this way until yesterday, May 10, 2019.
Son, the beauty of a relentless pursuit of excellence is that ideas never stop appearing. Some ideas are contagious and need little (or no) time to appear. Other ideas take decades.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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Yesterday Rob tutored me for four hours at my desk. All my blogs (19k+ posts) are on an outdated GoDaddy “Legacy” platform. We are migrating 16 sites from there to a new cPanel account with the latest tech options available.
Dear executive buyer, please keep asking yourself this question until you have a positive revelation.
What is this contract worth after my organization is exposed to, and changed by, the expert’s assistance?
What expenses will be slashed or eliminated?
What is the difference in organizational health before and after we complete a year-long legitimate effort?
What short and long term worries and vulnerabilities become non-issues and how will that freedom feel?
What will the employee vibe be like when your culture is stronger, healthier, and more vibrant?
If you were to postpone starting for more than a year, could that indecision turn into two or three years (or never), and when you think about that how do you (and the entire organization) feel?
You should picture your previous life when you had few to no wellness habits and compare it to where you are today, now that you have integrated intentionality and consistency into how you behave in much healthier ways than before. What’s that worth? Hard to calculate, but blindingly obvious.
Worth noting that for a decade i’ve been a web and technology do-it-yourselfer by using GoDaddy’s inexpensive platform. That old way of thinking and doing is no longer effective for the way my business is evolving.
i’ve hired Rob on an indefinite monthly retainer to take my web and technology abilities into 2019 and beyond. This is going to change everything about the way i used to think and behave.
My old GoDaddy account’s highest PHP update is one update away from not supporting the WordPress blogs that contain my life’s work. And i never knew. Plus, the Legacy account has me trapped because it doesn’t currently offer even the lowest update solution.
Bottom line, what can be measured doesn’t always matter, and what matters can’t always be measured.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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The following message is a copy and paste of an email exchange yesterday with someone seeking my time and advice. The famous Company is asking for a very detailed six-month proposal to elevate their company to world-class status without peer.
Here’s the email i wrote…
Ok, couple things…and all of this is my personal opinion from a lifetime at Disney and nearly a decade as a business owner.
Yes, we’ll figure out a call for Tomorrow or Tues …before 9am will be best…tomorrow 830am-9am? Time may need flex a little on either side.
Rereading your first msg, they’re asking you for a consulting proposal – for free!
Be careful…..Not a fan of this. And i’d probably only do it verbally, or if in writing, very high level, intentionally leaving out all the how-to’s.
That said, they are in a position to walk away from you because of who they are.
As an entrepreneur, i do not operate under any textbook theory – none.
Everything is negotiable.
Additionally, you will NEVER have enough leadership authority if you’re not willing and able to walk away.
If they want you, they’ll figure out how to get and retain you.
To go any further with this, we should talk. Words on a screen are tricky without tone, and banter.
Be amazed and be amazing.
PS. What do you want in your next 10 years? Does this position help you or does it protect you from something bigger that might not work?
During our call, i suggested the applicant ask the famous company, “What have you tried so far and why hasn’t it worked?”
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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Click bait? Could be intentional. Might be unintentional. Doesn’t matter. It’s our choice as to what we do.
Ha. i came back, but replied only to my Disney Institute colleague Fernando’s comment.
The question in the photo above had me thinking. But i resisted the urge to reply.
The first thought was i shouldn’t give away my proprietary approach.
So i left.
Then i started to think about using my answer as today’s blog post material.
So i went back.
But hesitated again.
The second time around i wasn’t going to give the proprietary answer, but rather, insert intrigue – but only in a reply to a commenter, my friend Fernando.
You know, some reply that claims i know, and the bold statement i could get it in under 10 minutes – rather than observe a two-hour meeting.
Note: Give me one minute, individually with the CEO and each of her eight (educated guess) cabinet members and with one question, i’ll know in under 10 minutes.
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