Only patience begets patience

Seth Godin insight on value
The next entrepreneurial lesson could be the theory of walking away from both little and big opportunities).


Being an entrepreneur can be a blind spot when it comes to people looking in from the outside. While the benefits seem greater for the entrepreneur than for working for someone else, the “benefits” do not exist for any entrepreneur until one succeeds at creating and maintaining a thriving business model.

You can start something, but statistics tell a sad story for the majority.

One of the biggest early lessons i’ve learned is:

Only patience begets patience.

When negotiating with other alpha dog executives, egos (and fear) can destroy common sense logic. This can drag things out to the point of exposing unfavorable working conditions – a diseased organizational culture.

Past failures, experience with hurtful, untrustworthy partners and clients – all of this builds a wall. A wall that may only crumble if one is willing to walk away.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Well of course you are

Gapingvoid art
Metaphorically speaking, you need to want change as much as you want your next breath. From Gapingvoid Art.


You and your organization have major challenges.

You do not want an expensive solution.

Nothing you’ve tried so far has stuck.

You may have become numb to the drag of your survival and reaction mode.

Your organizational culture is you greatest ally or your biggest roadblock.

Right now and for the foreseeable future (and maybe forever), it’s a roadblock.

You think you need to fix your leadership.

You think you need to fix your customer service delivery.

There’s only one person who will insist you rethink those two obvious categories, plus the three other categories everyone ignores.

  1. Your pain will get worse before it will get better.
  2. Or, your pain will get worse and it will never get better (and never stay better).

These are your only two options.

Could you thrive living on the fringe?

Could you become the best in your category, or, could you become so amazing you create a new category – a category of one?

There’s no one else in the marketplace that will approach common cultural dysfunction issues with the same business karma.

i do not fail.

i can not do the work for you.

You will not succeed without me.

You have to be willing to be Cortes.

No guts, no glory.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Patience and pain can turn into astonishing opportunity

Unique honeymoon ideas
A 1984 international bicycle trek (on a honeymoon no less) was never something i could have predicted.


Turned the corner on a steep and impatient learning curve.

Thank goodness for trust. It allows patience and pain to be an opportunity rather than an illness.

In reality, i was unprepared for having to negotiate six-figure cultural transformation contracts.


Because it was never part of my future.

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The business of blogging

Winter Park Florida cemetery
Yesterday on the cool down walk after the Watermelon 5k.


Fancy graphic design can be an insidious place to hide.


Because it’s tempting to disguise boring with polish.

If the point of your website is a one-time visit, then maybe.

If the point is primarily content creation (daily, thought-provoking content), better to focus on real versus shiny.

Stories and relevance are far more important than bells and whistles.

(Photo: Does a fancy headstone make the person more important or easier to remember? i’m going with, “No.”)

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