Indeed! Did you?
Yesterday, I promised to do what I do every day. I also gently asked you to “plant a seed“. Remember? A small seed to take daily, calculated risks to move your great, and maybe impossible, goal forward.
Technology is the way. Period. End of story!
To me, it isn’t one of the issues facing businesses today, it is THE issue!
Last night, reflecting back on the day, it hit me!
LinkedIn is: A 24-hour virtual meeting. A virtual business card. A remarkable tool with unlimited power to market your business.
You can pop in and out of the virtual 24-meeting at any time to see who’s there and what they’re talking about. There are a ton of smart people using it. In fact, there are currently 38,000,000. That number is projected to mushroom to 300-400 million soon.
Studying the Disney organization since I was a kid, it has taught me to instinctively understand that the next great idea can come from anyone in our organization. Or even anyone, anywhere in the world.
All we have to do is pay attention, which is hard at today’s busy pace.
Make this a great day to pay attention. Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂