As much as we’d like other’s to take an interest and care

How To Influence People seminar in Calgary
A random walk downstairs (from the main conference center) led to the discovery of this meeting room and message


We must be the initiator of our own professional development.

As much as we’d like other’s to take an interest and care for our professional well being, the odds are very high that everyone else is just as busy as us.

And often (daily?) we (all of us?) are just trying to survive the day.

(the photo image reads: People Crave Direction)

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The two keys to spending more time thinking about going to work

Miami Heat and American Airlines Arena
Life is not a spectator sport.


There are two ways we spend our work days.

  • driven to get ahead, always chasing the prize of more
  • going through the motions, trying to avoid painfully watching the clock

The creative ability to find the good bits, and orchestrating a lifestyle to not need more are the two keys to spending more time thinking about going to work than leaving.

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Career sound bite yesterday

jeff noel sitting in IZOD Center
Much of life is spent waiting for someone else to go first


Career sound bite yesterday:

You go first.

One of the biggest, most overlooked opportunities in business?

Celebrating the success of others.

We know this, yet secretly want everyone else to pay us a compliment first.

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What’s the point of a consultant?

jeff noel, Consultant for hire
jeff noel, Consultant (for hire, no?)


What’s the point of a consultant?

To do the work for you?

To inspire you to do the work yourself?

There appears to be a subtle yet compelling difference between a consultant and a contractor?

There’s a difference between a personal trainer and an Olympic athlete.

One knows what needs to be done. The other actually does it.

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The echo of jeff…

Giant meeting space for keynote speech
Most paradigms revolve around sharing someone else’s message.


The echo of …

The insidious decline of our positive dreams and our habits.

The fear.

The stress.

The pressure.

The competition.

The lure of more, better, faster.

And having to please people you don’t trust.

For decades, the treadmill of falling into place and waiting for retirement to start living.

One final click on Blog (below) for the ‘put up or keep quiet’ question…

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