Happy Birthday Walt Disney World

Note, currently, the video is not displaying on mobile devices, even iPad.

October 1, 1971 – Disney’s Magic Kingdom Theme Park opens.

Walt Disney’s dream for an Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow started long before 1971.

The 24-minute video isn’t worth watching unless you can automatically make a business case for the chronicles of Disneyland, and then, of course, Walt Disney World.

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Work That Matters

Good Monday morning. Two days until Fall. Time flies, doesn’t it? In the end, if we’re lucky, we get to take a look back at our lives and ask, “Was I going through the motions or did I passionately do work that matters?” My college friend, Skip Gaskill, has this to say:

Hey Jeff, its been a while.

I spent last week with some very special people helping them formulate “their” plans as they transition from Active Duty back to the civilian world.

I volunteer with a veteren’s transition group that helps our wounded warriors develop life goals and action plans to achieve them.

These young men and women were battered and broken both physically and mentally (paralysis, amputees, traumatic brain injuries, post traumatic stress, loss of sight, hearing, or both, etc.) and still have the desire, courage, fortitude, and determination to overcome these setbacks and the demons that have developed in dealing with them.

My point here is that there are many people in this world who need help setting goals and developing action plans. Many of us have done this for ourselves to varying degrees of success.

I’m asking all of us to consider mentoring someone else (vets, youth, down & out, etc.) do the same…

I can’t sufficiently articulate the emotions you go through when you see someone you guided achieve success especially when they thought they had 0% chance of doing so.

We will all be better off in the long run.

Semper Fi, Skip

Ok, back to my words…

I don’t know about you, but my bar for today’s work has just been raised. Thank you Skip for sharing a private piece of yourself that we didn’t know before.

Paying it back, or paying it forward, we will likely never do enough giving to repay all the recieving we did and will continue to do. Keep on paying anyway. It’s good for your soul.

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Routine Maintenance

Most people really want to do their best. Probably a remnant of our basic caveman ancestry to figure out how to stay alive.

But the fear of being eaten is long gone, and we drift, unintentionally, toward the abyss of going through the motions.

I often wonder if the plank others see in my eye is as big as the one I see in theirs.

Everyone’s Looking For Answers

We Need Questions, Not Answers!

And it seems too few are actually looking for the critical difference.

The goal isn’t to find the right answers.

I mean, most people ask the wrong questions.

The goal is to discover the right questions.

Then the real, transformational, work can begin.

Don’t expect any of my blogs to solve your problems.

Rather, expect a daily nudge that someone cares whether or not you accept your divine opportunity to transform yourself into the you you know you want to become.

I’ll meet you here everyday. Ya with me?