You Have The Power

The most common way people give up their power is to believe they don’t have any.

Read and reread that thought, until you can embrace, and act, on the opposite. You are Mr Incredible, or Miss Incredible.

Not sure what tomorrow, April 1st, holds for jungle jeff and the rest of Mid Life Celebration, LLC.

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Get Over It

What grown man carries a Teddy Bear around the world…

Most people don’t believe they are capable of initiative. – Crowdsourcing

You either get over this hurdle or you don’t. What’s liberating about getting over it is the freedom to do the right things for the right reasons. We know these things intuitively, but society beats us down.

I say, fight back – until you triumph.

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Enjoying A Midlife Celebration

Turn up the heat people. Are you a thermometer or the thermostat? Big difference…

The key to enjoying life, even in these challenging economic times, is finding the good in everything. The Bible hints at this with, “In everything give thanks”.

While it is extraordinarily painful to see things (important, game-changing things) others don’t see and allow yourself to be negatively influenced, there is so much good that comes from your pain:

  • Motivation
  • Determination
  • Creativity
  • Purpose
  • Opportunity

That last one, opportunity is the coolest thing that has happened.

You start doing the math and an amazing equation presents itself, and only you know the answer.

And yes, jeff noel is definitely enjoying a midlife celebration. You still in?

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Is jeff noel Unstoppable?

Wait, there’s an even bigger question than, “Is jeff noel unstoppable?”

The bigger question, “Are you unstoppable?”

This is a league that will require of you pieces of your soul that you have yet to discover. You’ve felt these “pieces” all your life. You know you have.

Let your inner voice come forth. You can do it and you know you can. You just haven’t convinced yourself. Yet!

To stay focused, I like music. Rascal Flatts’ song fits perfectly here today.

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