Speaking Of Taking Longer

An Apple A Day
An Apple A Day

In our lifetimes, we will see a few things that change the world. Changing the world takes a long time.

The automobile did it. Slowly.

Electricity did it. Slowly.

The telephone did it. Slowly.

Medicine did it. Slowly.

Apple is doing it. Slowly.

September 11th did it. Rapidly.

How’s your tolerance for waiting? We are an impatient society mostly. Excellence demands we be patient. But you knew that already.

A month ago, I bought an Apple iPad, and ordered the iPad Case, and never mentioned it. But yesterday morning, well, the email came, announcing that the iPad Case has shipped, finally.

It’s on a boat from China. Slowly.

Do You Love June 1st?

Yes, This Is June 1st
Yes, This Is June 1st

Ever heard the phrase, “Everything takes longer than expected”?

It’s the primary reason you and I fail at our big plans, our big dreams.

We give up before we should.


Why do you think?

It’s because everything takes longer than we expect.

Embrace this truth and use it to motivate yourself.

I do.

June 1 was three days ago. June 1 marked the 14-month anniversary of writing five daily blogs. June 1 marked 17 months since Mid Life Celebration, LLC was incorporated. June 1 says there are still 19 months before the IRS will ask, “Is this a hobby or a business?”

Yes, I totally thought after 17 months, there would be more to show. But everything takes longer, right?  And to think that Mid Life Celebration isn’t quite at the half-way point is very exciting.

Make no small plans. It is never too late to follow your dreams, whatever they may be.

And oh yeah, one more thing, Carpe diem!

At The End Of The Day

At Day's End It's All About Survival
At Day's End It's All About Survival

It’s all about results. And few times in history has that been more important than now. Companies fold. People loose their jobs. Prices are slashed. Worries escalate. Houses don’t sell. Government’s big plans can’t find critical momentum.

At the end of the day, businesses are focused on their numbers.

Apple announced a few day ago they’ve sold two million iPads in less than 60 days. It took them 28 days to sell the first million. Reaching milestones is one thing. Making sure advocates and potential buyers are aware is another.

And it’s not to boast. It’s to create buzz.

For instance, in May at Mid Life Celebration, LLC:

  • Nearly 300k Hits
  • 40k+ Visits
  • 150k+ Page Views
  • 2,300+ cumulative Blog Posts

And you know what’s crazy? I’m just getting warmed up. Everything takes longer than you expect. How are your plans coming along?

Do You Know Who You Are?

This Takes You To A Special Place
This Takes You To A Special Place

As you rush through your insane busy days, do you take make time to pause and ground your thoughts and actions with your core being?

We see it in others every single day.

But we can’t see it in ourselves.

I cannot recall the last time, if ever, I’ve provided a link to this blog. It represents the very core of what I believe. You may not believe what I believe and that’s not the point. The point is, whatever you believe, do you believe it all the way and do you use it all day long to drive your work towards excellence?