Buy low, sell high

Disney Stock split history


(photo: Disney stock split history, last split was 3-for-1 in 1998 when it had reached $111)

One of the first priorities beginning the day after retirement is making a one-time, penalty-free 401k withdrawal.

Disney stock has been as high as $91 this year.

It went down to $81 just a week ago.

Timing, and courage, are of the essence.

The stock market is doing well, but terrorists could change that in a single day.

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Why don’t we if it’s so easy?

Midlife Celebration books as gifts to Dentist office staff


(photo: waited way too long, but finally fulfilled the small task of sharing a signed copy with the staff , and two hibiscus flowers from the house)

If simple pleasures bring enormous gratitude, why don’t we do more of them?

Take pictures.

Go for a walk.

Enjoy the solitude of nature just before sunrise.

Oh wait, we have a real job with lots of pressure and responsibility.

Ok, let’s just wait until we retire to do the cool, daily, little things.


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Eye spy whiff me whittle eye

Mickey Mouse shape in midwestern farm field from 35k feet


(photo: Mickey Mouse from 35k feet?)

We see what we want to see.

We pay attention to things that are important.

Which helps us see even more of what we want to see.

Even when we are not trying.

Imagine what an Orlando based Motivational Speaker sees, without even trying.

It’s crazy.

Annoys the hell out of some people.

Inspires the heck out of others.

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