Can A Single Photograph Capture Important Leadership Lessons?

jeff noel Can Easily Explain Several Leadership Insights From This Photo

In paying income tax for 36 years of hard work, a Baby Boomer not only learns valuable leadership lessons, but also has the opportunity to share and teach these leadership lessons to others. But can it be done with a single photograph? For the next week, we shall see.

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Would Anyone Notice If You Quit?

Where Did Everyone Go?

jeff noel, Midlife Celebration’s prolific blogger, floats an interesting question today. Would anyone notice if you stopped, you know, quit?:

  • Reading leadership articles
  • Praying for those less fortunate
  • Kissing your loved ones good night
  • Giving money to charity
  • Being careful what you eat

Would they?

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Boomers, As You Lead Your Life, There Will Always Be Critics

Some farmers push the boundaries in spite of the obstacles

Boomers, there will always be critics as you try to lead and challenge yourself and others, as you overcome adversity, and triumph over impossible, and even as you enjoy life.

Farmers would be miserable indeed if they failed to sow because of the relentless birds and the unpredictable weather.

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It Feels Really Good To Write What You Think And Feel In Such A Public Fashion Using Social Media

jeff noel writes five daily, differently-themed blogs on Life's Big Choices

There is no privacy left in the world. Anonymity, sure. But anyone accepting a leadership role will be scrutinized. Anyone pushing others to excel will be held up for judgement. One of the best ways to discover (and maybe prove) who you are, is through the simple act of writing publicly. Those who’ve never tried it will of course lead the efforts to find fault and error. Those who’ve initiated writing, will of course know the cathartic properties.

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