Blogging in your underwear

Hugh MacLeod, is an artist. No, I mean a brilliant artist. No, not Michelangelo. Different. It’s the different approach that makes him brilliant. Hugh creates art on the back of business cards, or anything else that suits him or his audience.

If you’ve never tried blogging…who’s fault is that?

His new book, freedom is blogging in your underwear comes out his month.

“The Gatekeeper” – Freedom Is Blogging In Your Underwear by @gapingvoid from Gapingvoid on Vimeo.

All Day, Every Day – Revisited

Longevity and rock bands are not synonymous, but there are exceptions.

Last night watching the second episode of the 2012 American Idol season, I reminded our Son that Steven Tyler is a true rock star. He asked me what band he’s with, to which I replied, Aerosmith. They headlined the first concert I ever attended (1975). Chapin said, “I remember you telling me that”.

Without thinking, I told him that the measure of true greatness is the ability to do it for a long time. Legendary not on what might have been, but on what they actually did.

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All Day, Every Day

Beaumont, Texas this week. Next week, Disney World.
Spent the day "here" yesterday, doing work that mattered.

As a professional speaker, it’s my job to deliver excellence all day, every day.

I’ll even be so bold as to say it’s everyone’s job, no matter their occupation, to do the exact same.

The bad news is this is hard to achieve. The good news is the more you do it, the better you get. Go!

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The 3 Worst Things That Happen The Closer You Get To Success

Much prettier than a 3-headed serpent.

Like a hideous three-headed serpent, the closer I get to success, the more these three dangers raise their ugly heads:

  1. Doubt – you forget how far you’ve come, and how much you’ve grown.
  2. Pressure – you want to speed up the process because you’re nearly there.
  3. Insecurity – why is this taking so long? This feeds doubt, reviving the cycle.

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The Long Way Is The Short Cut

Repetition, excellence, patience, values, these are all vital leadership ingredients.

If yesterday’s message was “patience is a virtue” then today’s followup is that the long way is the short cut. From developing boys into men to developing adults into leaders.

The first leadership victory begins with self-mastery (or at least pretty close).

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