How to tell if you are a manager or a leader

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The best speeches transform our life


How to tell if you are a manager or a leader:

Next time you attend a leadership class, seminar, conference see if your thoughts go like this (either one or the other):

1. Wow, my leader sure has a lot of improvements to make.
2. I sure hope the speaker ends soon so I can go get started on making personal changes.

You’re welcome.

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Do you write a lot of stuff about how great you are on the self evaluation forms?

MBA project
Submitted my MBA final project assignment on the eve of September 11


Person 1: Are you ready for your annual work evaluation?

Person 2: Yes.

Person 1: Do you write a lot of stuff about how great you are on the self evaluation forms?

Person 2: Yes… but it doesn’t matter.

Person 1: Then why do you write so much stuff?

Person 2: So I can look back and have a record of all the stuff I did.

Person 1: Ok.

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