Self employed sounded so lame

Dentist office coffee table magazine selection


(photo: As a species, we are slothful, and ridiculously easy to sell false hope to)

Less than 24 hours ago the substitute dental hygienist (filling in) asked, “What do you?”

Only the second day into retirement no one had asked this question yet so there was no thought about an elevator speech.

So it sounded like this, “Self-employed.”


Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.
– Peter Drucker

Add another to-do to the checklist – craft compelling elevator pitch.

And check one off – make a courageous decision.

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Walt said the greatest of all is confidence

Walt Disney and Robot


(photo: Three nights ago at Disney Hollywood Studios Sci-Fi Diner… pretty sure there are shoulder pads n Walt’s suit)

Somehow I can’t believe that there are any heights that can’t be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four Cs. They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably. -Walt Disney

Love that this Walt Disney quote was the final Disney email signature used leading up to retirement.

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Guess which one Walt Disney thought it was

Epcot's Spaceship Earth


(photo: Lunch in Japan on a Sunday is easy when you call Walt Disney World home)

Leadership is the silver bullet. While it’s common to have great business managers leading a team to stellar financial results, the long term toll this effort requires needs to come into question at some point.

Bottomline, the difference between burnout and turnover versus sustainability and loyalty is simply this:

Profit is either the goal or the reward.

Great leaders see it as the reward.

You reach a point where you no longer work for money. – Walt Disney

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Dream, create, inspire… like you mean it

Walt Disney quote on Disney's Animal Kingdom wall


(photo: Yesterday while visiting Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park for lunch.)

Is your mind small or big?

We walked past about one dozen Walt Disney quote signs. Took a photo of every one.

This is the one that meant the most yesterday.

And it’s the one that means the most as a retiree.

Mid Life Celebration is destroying the notion that balance is a myth.

Don’t believe it?

Many didn’t believe Walt in the early years either.

Doubt and skepticism come from small minds.

Vision and confidence come from dreaming, creating, and inspiring.

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