Three great career reminders from London Olympics

Older Scouts teach the younger Scouts, mostly by what they do, very little by what they say… same in the corporate world…

Scout summer camp

Teaching, and bonding, can happen anywhere… even a fallen log strewn across a creek…

Summer camp fun

Three great career reminders from London Olympics:

  1. It’s a brutally competitive world
  2. The difference between gold and silver is often minuscule
  3. The difference between gold and silver is often staggering

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Who’s got time to eat when there’s so much work to be done?

Dear Son, there are people who work so hard at their job that they consider a good day a day when they get to actually leave their desk and go to lunch. And a glorious day is when they do that without any interruptions for 30 minutes. Pitiful isn’t it? Been there, done that. Manhattan, July 25, 2012…

gotta eat

Star pizza Manhattan

NY pizza

Who’s got time to eat when there’s so much work to be done?

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Yesterday was only an 11 hour day

WTC 911 memorial

911 Memorial preview

Yesterday was only an 11 hour day. The widower sitting next to me worked long and hard for ATT. He either didn’t understand the question, or couldn’t answer it transparently. Asked him what advice he’d give his grown children from the broken dream he is trying to let go of.

The day was much longer than 11 hours… a late dinner near ground zero…

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