How often do we pause and seriously consider the non-verbal story we’re telling?

clever license plate
the story is pretty clear here, no?


How often do we pause and seriously consider the non-verbal story we’re telling?

Never? Maybe.

Hardly ever? Probably.

All the time? Never.

We’d be gigantically better leaders, spouses, partners, if we changed never to yes.

And six things we’ll miss if we don’t… at the Next Blog


Who’s to blame, the one who doesn’t say, or the one who doesn’t ask?

window sign - hope
look closely (backwards)… is hope enough?



You’re in an important meeting. The leader is looking for input. The team is looking for direction.

The leader talks the most. Most people don’t say (contribute) much, if anything.

Eventually the meeting ends.

Both groups depart feeling cheated in a way.

Who’s to blame, the one who doesn’t say, or the one who doesn’t ask?

People are quiet, not because they have nothing to say, but because they do not feel their opinion is valued.

Next Blog


What one thing did we learn today that will make tomorrow better?

jeff noel professional speaker at AV check
confidence is every employee’s best friend


What one thing did we learn today that will make tomorrow better?

Yes, difficult challenging to think about this each day, let alone actually do it.

Can we hear an example? Sure…

Yesterday, caught myself feeling remarkable during a half-day program.

But in a flash, it was crystal clear. Teacher’s high.

I (re)learned that desire, confidence, ownership, humor and purpose are, well, indestructible.

Next Blog