What do we do with competing priorities?

Disney's Test Track - and the power that comes from being decisive
Disney’s Test Track – and the power that comes from being decisive


What do we do with competing priorities?

Figure it out. Right?

No one is going to do this for us.

We know this.

And what we accept by default becomes our standard.

Don’t settle.

Find the (will) power to do what scares you.

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Rarely are the lessons handed to us on a silver platter.

Walt Disney, Hayden Burns, Roy O. Disney coming clean about their huge land purchase
Walt Disney, Hayden Burns, Roy O. Disney coming clean about their huge land purchase


Walt Disney World survey marker
Internet would have leaked Walt’s secret land purchases long before he had finished and sky rocketed the land price


In trying to help others, we cannot escape our own growth.

Mid Life Celebration is a chip off of this old block – Walt Disney.

For the past 8k posts, have avoided mentioning I work full time at Walt Disney World Resort – and have for three decades.

Why remain silent?

Don’t really know why.

It surely isn’t a secret.

The Internet has ensured there are no secrets.

About anything.

Walt Disney always felt the bar for excellence was never high enough and nothing was impossible.

Insight: Pay attention, there is always a lesson to be learned. And rarely are the lessons handed to us on a silver platter.

PS. Trying to explain why I’ve written five daily, differently-themed blogs is like trying to explain Walt Disney’s obsession with quality – sort of a big mystery, until one day it’s not.

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Who was the smartest of the Disney brothers?

jeff noel, book storyboard
Met an hour every Sunday for nearly a year, just to complete the storyboard


jeff noel's book storyboard
Many dream of making a living as a writer – seriously hard work, serious competition


Walt Disney sometimes said his brother, the Postman, was the smartest Disney because he didn’t have to worry about all the things a business owner needs to worry about (hiring, firing, payroll, deals, etc).

A simple life?

Does it pay the bills?

Do we keep our bills in check?

Do we know how (our) children spell Love?


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