St Thomas Aquinas said….:
“We must love them both – those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored in search for truth, and both have helped us in the finding of it”.
Great quote. Great thought. Great perspective.
To a point, then I must agree to disagree.
Following the status quo, or “That’s the way we’ve always done it”, doesn’t seem to require as much laboring as does challenging the status quo.
Challenging the status quo is a lonely place. A very lonely place.
Take exercise. And to my dismay, we don’t see pictures of or hear stories of Walt Disney making exercise a priority. Sure, he played polo as far as we know.
However, Disney has taught me to eat, drink, sleep and breath excellence. Take Alfred Prokschin. At age 100, he won a Gold medal two weeks ago at the WMA Masters Tarck & Field World Championships in Lahti, Finland:
If not you, who? If not today, when? Carpe diem, jungle jeff