Maybe how she sees society judging is exactly how she judges

272 words in Gettysburg address
We are all created equal, no?


Want to be brave? Just do it and tell us afterwards.

What if Jenny just did what she said she was going to do, wear the bikini?

Without fanfare, hoopla, controversy.

What was her purpose in telling her friends?

Did she know all along people would be judgmental?

How did she answer the questions of what catches her eye?

Why doesn’t she wear a bikini every summer?

And finally, a closing thought here.

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Time will tell. It always does.

WordPress Orlando Meetup


(photo: Only half of those RSVP-ing yes actually showed up at yesterday’s Orlando WordPress Meetup)

What does it mean when we say, “Time will tell?”

WordCamp Orlando in less than two months away. They are looking for a few more speakers.

It’s highly likely they’ve never had a world class professional keynote speaker at any of their meetings.


Makes sense.

The people speaking are developers, programmers, and creative geniuses. They are not speakers.

Maybe they could use a speaker on how to enhance speaking skills.

Or maybe a speaker on how to dream impossible dreams.

After four years attending WordPress Orlando Meetups, maybe there will soon be an opportunity to give back.

Time will tell.

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This news is celebratory, but the timing is confusing

Orlando Based Leadership Speaker jeff noel


(photo: Orando based leadership speakers are a great value for Central Florida conference and meeting planners)

Have you reached the pinnacle level known as expert?

Only one person in the entire room of 300 knows what he knows.

This was his last session in his current capacity.

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Computers often leave you with simple, clear choices

Office supplies for the professional speaker


(photo: Yesterday… big events require lots of support.)

How do we thrive while navigating scary once-in-a-lifetime milestones?

There is a process for everything.

And when a process is brand new to you, you do the very best you can to follow it. Even if you are not crystal clear.


The only person at work who knows he’s retiring is his boss.

He gave 25 days notice on October 7 (two days ago).

The career end date was driven by a computer generated benefits commencement date.

November 1, 2014 is the first official, legitimate, system supported opportunity.

He took it.

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