Are we exercising our professional freedom?


The importance of things is lost on the simplicity and familiarity of these things.

For example, how important is our freedom to choose?.

More specifically, how important is our freedom to choose our leadership beliefs and habits?

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Being self-employed accelerates your disdain for theory


The world is full of critics.

i used to be one.

No longer.

Most critics have no idea how things actually get done.

i didn’t.

i thought things got done well, or poorly, based on someone’s ability to practice sound theory.

Theory is for amateurs.

The dreams, the struggles, the setbacks, the compromises, the weaknesses, the defeats, the perseverance, the joy, the creativity, and ultimately if you stay self-employed long enough and discard theory, the triumph.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.


The final sentence is an example of vision


If you watch this video, listen carefully to the final sentence – it’s a brilliant example of vision.

What you can’t appreciate about Disney if you never worked on the inside, is that she doesn’t even know she did what she did.

She just did it.


Because it’s the Disney culture to think like that, without even thinking about it.

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Show me the conviction

Disney Customer Service Speaker
Rare photo of jeff leading Disney Institute tour before Park opening.


How easy is it for you to tell if someone is fully convicted about something, or if they are faking it?

i asked myself the same question.

Then, in a serious moment, i dove deeper.

The lack of conviction is easy to see.

Too many little inconsistencies that the sender can’t perceive but the receiver hears it loud and clear.

This conversation with myself started months ago with a new client. And five minutes ago, i stumbled upon this brilliant video to explain the concept a different way.

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Fred Lee didn’t overstate his Disney experience

Disney Institute speakers
It’s challenging not to overstate 30+ years at Disney, or living less than one mile from WDW property. Photo from two days ago.


Fred Lee didn’t overstate his Disney experience in the video clip.

Which is perfect because his experience was cursory.

Fred Lee wrote The 9 1/2 Things You’d Do Differently If Disney Ran Your Hospital. Never saw him speak until here last night.

Was impressed with his speaking talent.




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