Tomorrow’s commute is almost one day

The High Senior Walk Out is something i can plan to attend. Working for yourself has pros and cons. This is a pro.

Tomorrow’s commute is almost one day, and seven time zones away.

The airline’s business class ticket costs $8k and includes chauffeur service from home to the airport, and when returning home, from the airport back to your house.

Have never paid for a business class ticket directly, but indirectly it’s a form of income because the client is spending that money on you.

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Playing it safe is risky

Untuckit store in Orlando
If shoes change dramatically, so will everything else. Exciting. Risky.

Playing it safe is risky.

Looking to retire a lifetime wardrobe of Disney business suites for something new.


Old school thinking (business suit and tie) is now my choice to embrace or discard.

i’m in charge of everything.



Such as travel structure and processes.

Think simple, lean, easy, scalable.

To structure travel using only a small day-hike backpack, drastic changes need to happen.

To stay active while traveling, i need running shoes.

To also carry business dress shoes is cumbersome and redundant. Why have two pairs of shoes for a short trip?

This means being onstage in running shoes.

This fundamentally changes everything about my personal brand.

Can you imagine me speaking for Disney Institute in running shoes?

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i should have known better

Delta flight map
Can’t sleep with legs up against the wall unsupported. Too taxing behind the knees. Totally need the support.

i should have known better. 

Everything i envisioned on this trip, including the vision for the ultimate travel experience was crushed. 

Disproportionate time was spent trying to solve for what seemed like a bad dream. 

Nothing worked. 

And so it goes with air travel. 

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You are never tested and tempted to make excuses

Goucher library
Goucher library


Goucher library
Goucher library


group meeting expectations list
The list of flaws is long…this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Goucher library
Goucher library…aloha.


Goucher library
Goucher library…the friendly, and frigid, Arctic?


Goucher library
Goucher library…Gandhi, before India?


Being on the road reminds me of how important habits are.

You are never tested and tempted to make excuses like you are when you travel – everything about your routine is out of synch.

You’re living in a hotel room.

No kitchen, no car (probably), travel fatigue, weather changes, limited to resources that fit in your travel bag(s), etc.

The interesting thing as i observe people and organizations as a profession is that habits drive everything we do.

We have the power to change habits, but we almost always make excuses for why we can’t change.

To which a brilliant piece of wisdom emerges automatically:

Can’t and won’t are not synonymous.


i can’t change.

i won’t change.

Those two are not the same.


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How patient and how often?

Disney Keynote Speakers
Selfie-time, 8:03am.


conference questions
Breakout sessions thought starters created by the conference sponsor.


Westin Vail hottub
Spent an hour up to my shoulders in hot water. Glorious.


Always learning.


Knowledge isn’t skill. Fat isn’t muscle.


Vail, CO
Who knew?


Westin fireplace
Only one enjoying the fire at 4:50am.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Westin, Vail lobby 4:50AM yesterday.


Five hours hurts, but it could be worse.


Vail, CO
Cool stuff.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Really thought yesterday would be a typical and uneventful travel day back to Walt Disney World.


Disney Keynote Speakers
New record. Cool, i guess.


Rocky Mountain National Park
Rocky Mountain National Park at 7:45am yesterday.


Rocky Mountain National Park
Zooming in.


Rocky Mountain National Park
Bigger zoom. Thanks iPhone.


Colorado plains
The Plains begin as soon as the mountains end.


High School speaker
Arrived two minutes late at 7:02PM last night.


How patient and how often?

Long and draining travel days set you up for an unplanned final exam.

Patience is pass-fail.

Anything less than being patient is not patient (fail).


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