Thriving despite the obvious pressures

Midlife career article
This article prompted today’s post.


Biggest takeaway from yesterday’s travel day comes in the form of a question.

How will i navigate the unknown territory of unpredictable health challenges that only come from reaching ages decades from now?

Bonus question:

Is it possible to eliminate, avoid, or minimize the unpredictable with an intentional and balanced wellness focus?

Isn’t this the leadership question of the day:

How to we thrive in an unpredictable future?

First step it would seem, is to get to a place you would definitely consider thriving.

Then do everything in your power to maintain and improve that.

The Disney culture, and maintaining it, is my number one priority. – Michael Eisner 1984 (his first, of 21, year as CEO)




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


His destiny is to teach and inspire people to choose thriving

Disney Customer Service Speaker jeff noel
Photo from many years ago. Photographer unknown.


His destiny is to teach and inspire people to choose thriving.

Leaving tomorrow for Ft Lauderdale to deliver a 60-minute Leadership Keynote speech in two days.

To influence smart business people to change transform might be the loftiest, most impossible goal there is.

Kinda like a David versus Goliath.

Thank goodness for simple tools, like a sling and a stone.

Bring on the giant!

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Ever wonder if the right people are doing the right things?

jeff noel has world class IDEAS about leadership
jeff noel has world class IDEAS about leadership


Ever wonder if the right people are doing the right things?

As a leader, this should be one of our most pressing priorities.

The only thing that might be more important, is, well, um… nothing.

Editors note: if your operation is struggling on whatever metrics you publicly tout, fix the metrics you have, or get new ones.

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