7 tips for your first TED Talk

Disney characters at Glacier National Park
Still having photo upload issues. Rob will be here this morning and hopefully we can resolve it.


1. Tell something new

2. Evoke contagious emotions

3. Tell a story (be personal)

4. Don’t lose the audience (jargon, etc)

5. Start strong (viewers are easily distracted)

6. Think globally (does your view make sense globally)

7. Practice (a lot)

My TEDx AUK Talk is a powerful and paradoxical catalyst to entirely (and easily) change the way we serve others.

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Going the extra inch speech title ideas

Disney Speakers
The mailbox may transform to handle online shopping demands.

Going the extra inch speech title ideas:

Going the extra mile is the wrong place to start for personal and organizational vibrancy.

Going the extra mile is a dangerous strategy. Here’s why it’s wrong and what you can do about it.

There is a time and a place for going the extra mile, and it’s rare.

Why going the extra mile is a flawed concept, and what to do instead.

Going the extra mile is the last thing you want to tell yourself. Here’s what you should say instead.

The genius of doing next to nothing and how you can change your world doing it.

The key to changing our world is through doing next to nothing.

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Dude, find your voice

Disney leadership speaker
Health is wealth.
Shin Lim
Shin Lim fell to his knees upon learning he won. Watched the finale recording last night.

Dude, find your voice.

It’s what makes you you.

Only you can offer that.

While i’m telling this to you, i’m telling it to myself. By the time this goes live, there will soon be a jeff noel speaker video on the Internet.

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TEDx Talk in Kuwait

Disney TEDx Speaker
On average, overnight success takes about a decade.

TEDx Talk in Kuwait is being proposed for late April by my agent, Thinking Heads.

Here are some notes for the proposal:


  • 12-16 minute speech
  • Clear, concise, and compelling idea
  • Universal application
  • Easy and immediate implementation
  • Inspiring


  • Personal and professional vibrancy is overwhelming because our goal is incorrect and going the extra mile to reach the goal is a flawed proposition

World Challenge:

  • To simplify and scale exceptional service for everyone we encounter, every day

World Solution:

  • Unveil the blinding flash of the obvious that aiming for satisfaction is dangerous
  • Revealing the paradox of going the extra mile by illustrating going the extra inch


  • Issue a 72-hour challenge for the audience to implement the ridiculously easy solution of going the extra inch and to teach it to others

Ultimate outcome:

  • Make our world an exponentially happier and more vibrant place not only for the recipient but also for the giver

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Is this in your heart?

Not recommending you watch this 19-minute TED Talk. However, if you enjoy laughing, artistry, and a final crescendo, it could be time well wasted.



You have to believe in your heart that your client is better off by purchasing your product.


i do.




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