Time flies

A well-trained pet is a joy to behold. Sam walks himself.

Time flies.

This phenomenon is what allows regret to flourish.

Yesterday we said, “Tomorrow.”

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow.

Habits and rituals keep us medicated, distracted, and entertained.

Doing the non-urgent work today that may not yield results for 5, 10, 15, or 20-plus years from now is the biggest gift we can give ourselves (and the people we care about).

“But what if this is not true?”


You think for a minute that being intentional today (and every day) about your mind, body, spirit, work, and home is a poor choice?

Remember the moral of the story from The Three Little Pigs?

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Didn’t see it dip into the water yet we still received way more than expected.
Last night while waiting for a dinner table.


Saw this on a Morgan & Morgan Law Firm TV commercial last night.



TV was on to tune into the second Democratic debate last night.

How important is trust and how do you balance trust with experience?

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Keep your goals to yourself (short video)

Mickey Mouse Hat smiley face on dinner table cloth last night.

Keep your goals to yourself.

The 3-minute video shares a phenomenon that i have personally experienced in both publicly announcing goals and with keeping goals private.

It’s always a better outcome when i keep big goals private until they are accomplished.

Too much false sense of progress in announcing. Simply proclaiming a goal temps us to believe progress has been made.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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Big data and then what?

Knowing this has been published in complete violation of our signed contract, and not having a plan is like having big data but not having a quick plan of action.

Like a broken record.

A buzz is created about the next big thing.

Everyone leans in and tries to get on board.

Big data and then what?

So what if you know a myriad of details you never knew before?

Knowing it doesn’t give you organizational bandwidth to identify and scale the most important big data findings.

This is where common sense, questions, and paradox are the superior tools.

Simple, key, repeatable messages.

This is how you scale organizational vibrancy.

The long way is the short cut.

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Lucky for us he got caught (and fired)

40 years since the interview. Visiting Sanibel since 1989.

Lucky for us he got caught (and fired).

Without that interview, we would have never met.

Without the vacancy created by his firing, and without me being on the alternate’s list (wasn’t good enough to make the first round selection), i wouldn’t have been positioned to be interviewed.

Ellie (unintentionally) caught him sneaking beer into the dorm. She could have given him a warning but there were other student witnesses.

Ellie was forced to terminate his coming year contract.

What are the odds?

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