One of us is wrong, and it’s not me (right?)

Mountain range near Salt lake City from 20k feet
Classic “can’t see the forest for the trees” dilemma?


One of us is wrong, and it’s not me (right?). Conflict and adversity are an everyday part of business life.

For one, profit is the goal.

For the other, the reward.

How do they meet in the middle?

As soon as I tell you your wrong, you fight back even harder.

And likewise when you tell me I’m wrong.

Who, and what, gives… that is the question.

No easy answer, but we must lead with a balanced score card – how will any decision affect the finances, customers, and employees?

A great cost saver may unduly pressure employees, or negatively raise the customer’s hassle factor.

A helpful, nice to have, employee service may require money needed for key business drivers.

Great customer service may provide five-star service to a few at the expense of the general population.

These daily challenges are either the spice of life, or the bane of our existence.

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May trust, respect, and development overwhelm your work today

busy, career-focused people, fill the commutes across America
busy, career-focused people, fill the commutes across America
Times Square never sleeps
Times Square never sleeps

Nuwanda worked at a Fortune 500 company for 13 years before he requested the last week of the year off. He didn’t get it. Why wait so long? Because he knew when signing up, the work ethic was the customer comes first – “we are at our busiest on nights, weekends and holidays”.

If you are working today, my Christmas wish for you is that you work for a leader who trusts, respects, and develops you.

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Usually 50% At Best

Trust. Distrust.

Like.  Dislike.

Do you trust your leader?  Do you like your leader?

Take President Barack Obama, or any President for that matter.  Usually, at best, a President receives between 50-60% of the popular vote.  More or less half. Stay with me here.

What this means is the other half don’t like and don’t trust the President, relatively speaking.

And it’s the same in large organizations and small businesses. Seriously, it is.

Why do we try so hard to be liked, when in reality, the best we can ever hope for is about half.

Take Simon Cowell, from American Idol (yes, many of you hate Simon and the show), while many people do not like him, everyone trusts that he will tell the truth.

And the reason we know Simon will always tell the truth, is because he always does. Sounds simple, but Simon is consistent to a fault. He’s honest even if it’s “bad news”.

And yet, he’s crystal clear about his mission – select the very best singer. Period. Determine the “Gold Medal” winner. Select the next American Idol.

Most don’t like him. Most absolutely trust him.

If trust is the most important leadership characteristic, who gives a flip about being liked?