Everyone’s Looking For Answers

We Need Questions, Not Answers!

And it seems too few are actually looking for the critical difference.

The goal isn’t to find the right answers.

I mean, most people ask the wrong questions.

The goal is to discover the right questions.

Then the real, transformational, work can begin.

Don’t expect any of my blogs to solve your problems.

Rather, expect a daily nudge that someone cares whether or not you accept your divine opportunity to transform yourself into the you you know you want to become.

I’ll meet you here everyday. Ya with me?

New Sheriff In Town?

Cyber-Space Ranger Meets Status Quo
Cyber-Space Ranger Meets Status Quo

No, not a new Sheriff.

A new question.

There is power is simplicity.

Power in focus.

Power in discipline.

Anyone can harness it it.

But it requires an uncommon commitment.

And one more secret ingredient.

And everyone should know what it is without having to think too long or too hard.

But they don’t.


He Asks Too Many Questions

What Makes A Question Good?
What Makes A Question Good?

While it may be challenging for some, you really should look at that picture without the political advertisement.  It is simply a bumper sticker that I took a picture of.

It wasn’t until I bent down to snap the photo, that I saw the political ad.

Forget the ad.

Today is about questions, not politics.

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes;  he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” — Chinese Proverb

What makes a question good?

What stops us from asking questions?

What stops us from doing anything that we think is important?

When will we overcome this?

Is it even worth it?

Asking tough or intriguing questions can make people – your boss, your peers, your subordinates, your family – feel very uncomfortable.

Taking risks is risky. So is playing it safe.