Which leadership characteristic should be number one for every leader?
Can you imagine following someone you don’t trust 100%?
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Disney Brand Loyalty Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Which leadership characteristic should be number one for every leader?
Can you imagine following someone you don’t trust 100%?
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My blind spot is believing people are rational.
My second challenge is thinking people want to change.
Ultimately, I assume that once someone knows what I know, they will choose what I chose.
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The big question this morning is how well do over achiever’s follow Doctors orders?
Hoping a lifetime of focus and discipline will overcome the burning desire temptation to be present at Mike’s Celebration of Life in five hours.
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What do we do with competing priorities?
Figure it out. Right?
No one is going to do this for us.
We know this.
And what we accept by default becomes our standard.
Don’t settle.
Find the (will) power to do what scares you.
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What is your highest priority today at work?
Is it to be totally, remarkably amazing?
Rock on.
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