How long does a typical American career last?

Disney Institute top speakers
From our Disney Institute Participant Guide book. Imagine a person entrusted to teach eager students how to reach for the stars. Imagine if the instructors didn’t actually practice what they preached. i couldn’t live with this thought. Years ago i committed to only preaching what i practice.


How long does a typical American career last?

Ten, 20, 30, 40+ years?

How long does a typical American invest in staying physically active?

i’m reminded that it took me 40 years before i committed to “never turning away” from getting and staying physically active.

Think lifetime gym class where you’re the teacher and the student.

And here we are, roughly 100 days from my 59th birthday.

At 58, i’ve reached a level of physical vibrancy i never knew was possible, let alone possible for a “senior citizen”.

And to think, there are people my age who haven’t yet started.



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Aim too high or aim too low

Walt Disney World Monorail
Yesterday, running (from home) to Magic Kingdom entrance.


Aim too high or aim too low, there are always going to be critics.

Each aim comes with an outcome.

Each outcome comes with an opportunity.


The one critical factor that often gets forgotten is the target we set out to achieve in the first place.

Never lose sight of what motivated you in the first place.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


Some leaders are late to the dance

Mojave desert sign
Photo from a 2010 California trip for Disney Institute. Space was an obstacle until the 20th century.


Some leaders are late to the dance. Hey, life happens. To all of us.

Have you encountered that uncomfortable period in your life when you recognize that your obstacle owns your future?

Here we are nine months after retirement and i still don’t have a website that gives me goose bumps.


Because i’m a hypocrite?


Because i’m slow and deliberate.

Because i’m willing to change course and go down a path that hasn’t been cleared yet.

Have you ever found yourself staring at an astonishing opportunity that not only was completely unplanned for, but it requires much more work than you want to commit to?

Crazy thing though, the hard, arduous work of creating our art is manageable. But only if we are willing to go slowly and intentionally. This flies in the face of fast-paced, get-it-done business thinking.

And because it looks less bold, less determined, less focused, it has the power to embarrass us. The temptation is to rush, and stress, and compromise.

Go slow anyway because the payoff is huge.

The payoff?

An incredibly scalable process and world-class humble confidence. You’ve always had it but now it becomes even more magnificent.

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Funny how a kind word has the power to motivate

Disney Cruise Line Guest Bus
Home Bus transportation. And home to the happiest place on Earth.


Funny how a kind word has the power to motivate.

The 61-year old Gold’s Gym personal trainer (Charles) came over and shared just one small piece of positive feedback. It was so insignificant small, yet so powerfully motivating.

There is no greater wisdom than kindness.

Say nice things to people. They rarely hear nice things about themselves.

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Not too many humans that don’t need both

Mid Life Celebration book
The most important messages jeff noel has ever written.


This may be hard to believe, but it doesn’t need to be.

The book, Mid life Celebration, has changed people’s lives. It’s short, pithy and can either be a tender loving hug, or a kick in the as$. Not too many humans that don’t need both. The first few pages are free on Amazon. Not trying to sell you a book.

It was written as a life guide for a little boy in case something bad ever happened to his dad. Can’t get more direct nor more lovingly authentic than that.

Intentionally left out the link to Amazon. You get why, right?

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