Hire a CPA or Do It Yourself?

MBA courses insist you take accounting.  Ever hear an MBA student rave about their accounting classes?  Wouldn’t it make more sense to teach students what to look for in a good CPA?

Don’t leaders in organizations have finance departments?

Isn’t the leader’s purpose to lead? To set the course?  To dream, to communicate and to inspire the vision?

Maybe I’m missing something.  Maybe I’m not.

So, just wanted to get our minds thinking about this.

All I’m pointing out is that society places a certain “worth” on an MBA degree.  I’m not disagreeing with that.

Society also places a certain worth on reading the best selling business books.  Not disagreeing with that either.

For me, what it all comes down to is that degrees, or books, don’t matter much if you can’t translate what you know – into something much better than before.

It’s almost like buying a gym membership, or exercise equipment, but not using it.

Number One Reason

Last weekend, my son (9) and I were relaxing in our pool at sunset.  I asked him, “You know why I’m working so hard on the business, right”?

“In case you lose your job”?, he said, questioning.

“Well sort of, but not really because of that.  I would like to have more control over the impact one can make on our world.  Being a business owner doesn’t guarantee that, but it sure does increase the odds”.

Reminded him of the power of hard work and how it’s harder at the beginning, in virtually everything, because there’s so much to learn.

Funny thing, for a nine-year old, he gets it.  And it’s easy to see why.

When his Dad became a parent, he worked really hard at the beginning, because there was so much to learn.

PS.  What I didn’t tell him is the “business” is my attempt to help raise enough money to find a cure for his disease.

Middle of Nowhere (MBA)?

Ever been to the middle of nowhere?  I was there yesterday.  This has some strange, twisted, confusing relationship to getting an MBA:

The Joshua Tree National Park was amazing. Hope you have an amazing day. It’s up to you.

Get A Real MBA


GetARealMBA.com This is a legitimate website.  Seriously.

Just 24 hours ago, I was walking through the Portland, Oregon International Airport and the wall ad caught my attention.

Timely ad? Indeed.  Have been a bit self-conscious in trying to share this journey to get a “real” MBA.

It involves a special project for each individual student.  The goal is simple.  Start a business that doesn’t go out of business.

The IRS gives you three years, essentially, before they ask if your project is a hobby or a business.

Who wouldn’t want to go to school and three years later be able to say, “It ain’t a hobby”?

Professor’s Top Do’s 4 MBA

The Professor did say, “To receive this special MBA”:

  • Do think more creatively than ever
  • Do involve others
  • Do be picky about how you spend your time
  • Do be focused on whom you involve
  • Do have a purpose much bigger than yourself
  • Do have a vision that seems impossible
  • Do plan to make a ton of money
  • Do plan to change people’s lives
  • Do plan to be tested and ridiculed
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