Back In The Day

Dear Son, back in the day, I used to be a Concierge Manager at Disney’s Flagship Resort…

I always pictured your Grand Father sitting here, doing what he loved most…

He would have been a perfect fit…

Someday (maybe) you’ll tell your children, “Back in the day, your Grand Father spent his life serving others at Disney World and he used to write 5 daily, differently themed blogs, to leave a trail for his young son…”

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Yesterday Was Special

A window of opportunity?

Was yesterday special for you? Or was the daily grind almost more than you could handle?

Not sure about you, but each day I feel the weight of things I’d like to do.

Writing the first best-selling book. Restoring our yard to a wildflower nirvana. Exercising with my Family. Making phone calls to Family and Friends….

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Those Obnoxious Renegades

Failing is the easy part, which is why it happens too often…

The main reason the Herd hates the renegade is because the renegade challenges the socially acceptable habits (and limits) – in business and personal leadership.

The renegade doesn’t challenge to upset people. The renegade challenges because they see a better way – more effective and efficient, and a much better payoff.

How do I know? Surely you jest.

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This Ain’t For Everyone

The Herd is abundant, renegades, few…

Do you have moments (for me it was yesterday) of consciousness where you see yourself from the outside looking in? And sort of ask a few obvious questions, like:

  • Who does this person think they are?
  • Why won’t this person change?
  • Why are they so hung up on ____ (fill in the blank)?

Game changers never fit in. And as the name implies, they change things. Maybe that’s why they frustrate the herd and inspire the minority.

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jeffrey noel Cathartic Posts

An historical moment of truth…2009 Master’s World Championships…

Yesterday’s post, lying dormant for 18 months was cathartic to finally publish. The other option would have been to simply move it to ‘Trash’, never to be seen by anyone except in a foggy personal memory.

In leaving a trail for our young son, it hit me that a trail needs clues, cues, milestones, insights.

And right before hitting delete, I came up with a new title and hit ‘Post Publically’.

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