The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger Challenges You To Consider This Opportunity

Typical day at the office for jeff noel, one of the Internet's most prolific bloggers

Everyday I write five short, pithy posts about life’s big choices, to help people think, smile and be grateful.

What began as a late blooming Father’s idea to leave a trail for his young son, has morphed into The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger. The beauty in beginning is that there’s a middle and an end. The trick is to start small (a new step forward) and never stop moving forward.

Next Blog

Speaking of Fear

Dear jungle jeff readers, you probably know this, but jungle jeff is just one of five daily blogs that I write.

After speaking of fear yesterday here at jungle jeff, a few minutes later I posted an important jeff noel blog post.

And the topic at yesterday was the antithesis of the one here at jungle jeff.

Is it okay to notice personal growth and use that confidence to make a dramatic leap in progress?

One thing for sure, I’m not afraid to find out.

Click here to go there.