Will our dream’s horizon ever appear close?

Orlando Based Leadership Keynote Speakers


(photo: Yesterday this appeared on the Mobile WordPress app. WordPress.org is different than .com and is what MLC uses. Registered for .com just to compare the differences.)

Learning involves a critical assumption that we will be exposed to something we didn’t know before.

This can be scary or exciting.

Time consuming or easy.

The only way to truly understand the difference between WordPress .org and .com is to use them both.

It’s the only way for anything, really.

Mostly it’s time consuming.

This is why we need a powerful, clear, concise, and compelling vision of where we are taking our life.

Otherwise the horizon will never look any closer.

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Has the reality of your daily life sunk in?

Orlando Disney Keynote Speakers


(photo: Bottom left, sitting on Main Street enjoying a Starbucks breakfast sandwich at 9:30am the day after Thanksgiving.)

Bold question.

Kind too.

Has the reality of your daily life sunk in?

Filled with hope?

Prepared to work incredibly hard?

Yesterday was a bit closer to feeling it here. See photo above.

Today is the last day of the first month of retirement.

The only way to get to this point was to dream, do, dream, do, dream, do…

And along the way, constantly overcome failure, doubt, and fear.

The goal to retire at 55 was made six years in advance.

The goal to carve out a career at Disney was made at the tender age of 25.

It was 30 years to pay off a mortgage and reach the pinnacle of an incredible career.

It was a five day drive from Pullman, Washington to Orlando, Florida in 1984.

And before loading up the car for good, a risk had to be taken.

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Nothing makes dreams happen faster than these four things

iPhone iTunes Radio screen shot
Am I wrong?


Tonight a friend retires at age 55.

How will the people gathered there to celebrate feel about her age?

Happy and ecstatic for her?

Bitter or jealous it’s not them?

We can wish and we can hope, but nothing makes dreams come true faster than these four things:

  1. Vision
  2. Focus
  3. Discipline
  4. Patience

How can we know for sure?

Guessing our friend doesn’t know for sure, but she’s willing to move forward anyway, with a disproportionately greater sense of hope than the average.

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The echo of jeff noel.org…

Giant meeting space for keynote speech
Most paradigms revolve around sharing someone else’s message.


The echo of jeffnoel.org …

The insidious decline of our positive dreams and our habits.

The fear.

The stress.

The pressure.

The competition.

The lure of more, better, faster.

And having to please people you don’t trust.

For decades, the treadmill of falling into place and waiting for retirement to start living.

One final click on Blog (below) for the ‘put up or keep quiet’ question…

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