It all started with a Mouse

Walt Disney World Sign with Walt Disney quote
The law of attraction, no?


January 25, 1982 was his first day working for The Walt Disney World Resort.

He was hired as an ‘Attractions Host’.

He didn’t know what that meant until he arrived in Florida (from Pennsylvania) and attended the company orientation program – Disney Traditions.

Later that day he was told his training would begin the very next day as a Jungle Cruise Skipper in Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

They told him him to introduce himself to the Guests as ‘Jungle Jeff’.

So he did.

True story.

And yes, it did all start with a Mouse.

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What does the name ‘Disney’ mean to you?

Celebration Place 220 building at night
Used to work in this building. Still drop off dry-cleaning here.


The name Disney means so many amazing things to so many people, including yours truly.

Can you imagine taking your dry-cleaning to Walt Disney World Resort?

What does the name ‘Disney’ mean to you?

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The word Disney is not mentioned once

Public hallway at Disney
Public hallway at Disney


This morning, the first post sharing the news.

(sure it happened 100 days ago. And yes, no one blogs like this. Blah, blah, blah, right?)

Has anyone ever worked – say 34 years – for a moment to finally say, it’s done. It’s available online?

The word Disney is not mentioned once.

No reference whatsoever.

The most under rated piece of peace of mind that could ever be placed in a book is what I was able to leave out.

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