What is it that we refuse to miss a day of doing?

Disney's Yacht Club Resort:
Disney’s Yacht Club Resort: opened it in 1990, stayed there last night, writing from there now


Like a few things in life, we don’t compromise. In a way that is challenging to find an explanation, I can’t see missing a day, until I die.

Why? OCD? Who knows.

It’s more like this.

To have the ability to write, the privilege to write, the mind to write, the heart to write, a body that can type, the resources (wifi, laptop/tablet/phone, etc) and something to write about (say blessings and observations) and not do it every single day?

The revelation is – how can I not write. Everyday.

Live and let live and to each his own. Be well today.

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What’s our career responsibility today?

Think your job is tough? What if people’s lives were on the line daily…

Vietnam Memorials

What’s our career responsibility today? To think differently. To inspire others… to think differently? To be amazing? To be remarkable? To delight our customers? To study? To have fun. And back again to helping others be inspired too?

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Same Old Same Old Can Be A Blessing

Just another day at the office?

Today is gonna be just like yesterday, isn’t it? Same old same old. What a huge blessing that today will just be more of the same. Yesterday was such an amazing gift to unpack and share with the rest of the world. Yesterday…an email excerpt from a childhood friend:

“…(her daughter) said she thinks it’s because your intentions are good. You don’t have some hidden agenda. You WANT to understand what people see and how they think.”

Insight: I respectfully disagreed with Lorie’s blog post comment (in which she respectfully disagreed with my me) – the quote above reveals how important intent is.

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