What one foot in front of the other really means

a brand new day
today is another glorious gift of a brand new day….

What one foot in front of the other really means? It means keep moving. An object, once in motion, tends to stay in motion.

From a butt-kicking 100-day writing challenge, to an 1186 day writing streak. One day at a time. You can do what you want to do…one day at a time.

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Photo: Lincoln Memorial, June 28, 2012…sunrise

How difficult is it to know when to back off and when to charge?

best business trip in this lifetime
best business trip in this lifetime…Washington DC…June 2012 (4 years late)

How difficult is it to know when to back off and when to charge? Most professional people know how extraordinarily challenging it is to create work life balance in these tough economic times.

It the midst, but mostly way past reasonable, of our hard charging efforts to be excellent, we find victories of various degrees. This week’s was HUGE!

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One great reason why you should remember when Apple fired Steve Jobs

no shortcuts
there’s an elephant in the room of great accomplishment…indomitable will

One great reason why you should remember when Apple fired Steve Jobs:

  1. A compelling vision and indomitable will are no match for the test of time

Apple fired the guy that co-founded the world’s most admired company. Setbacks are the test of our resolve. We should do everything possible to get a passing grade.

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