A fond leadership memory from 9/11

disney hiring ads
a recent Orlando Sentinel Disney hiring ad


September 11, 2001… was facilitating a professional development program with a colleague. We began the day at 6:30 am with Guests arriving at 7:30am for content. By 8:00am, we found ourselves at Epcot’s Germany pavilion for breakfast and a simulated on-the-job training experience.

As we were walking back to the bus around 10:00am, we were appraised. By the time we returned to the classroom facility, our boss was waiting curbside. Never had I been so unprepared for the next step. But with Tom there…

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What a stupid thing to do yesterday, politically incorrect

chicks dig musicians
Check out the lower right message...weird, funny, fun. But is it true?

What a stupid thing to do yesterday. Completely and totally politically incorrect. Talk to any serious career business professional and they’ll tell you to never let your employer know in advance of you leaving, especially if you’ve been a long-term (older) employee.

Why? The answer(s) tomorrow….

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