The CEO of the NBA team said, jeff really went out of his way

Social Media Lounge Orange County Convention Center Florida
Orange County Convention Center Florida


The fear of death comes in second on the all-time “greatest fears” list.

What does the thought of public speaking do for you?

Hope we get to share the same room in a cool place and hear a great speaker together some day.

The CEO of the NBA team said, jeff really went out of his way for you this morning.

What team? Which jeff?

Doesn’t matter.

What matters is the executive was acutely aware of what 99.9% of the audience was not.

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Professional speakers who preach text book theory are a waste of time and money

The greatest professional speakers speak from experience
jeff noel has an extreme dislike for people who preach theory


Professional speakers who preach text book theory are a waste of time and money, in my humble opinion. They can motivate exceptionally well in many cases, yet deep down, they do not have a clean conscious.

When I’m listening to a presenter, I ask…

How often has this instructor been on the front line? A lifetime? How many days in a row have they lived what they preach? A decade, two, or three?

Are they the same person at home, as they preach on the stage?

Perhaps I should apologize for the high expectations.

When we hear that Walt Disney had secretly wished he never dreamt so big, then I’ll concede.

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We’re too busy to ask questions, let alone answer them

Staircase inside The Palace Cafe on Canal Street in New Orleans
The Palace Cafe on Canal Street in New Orleans


Business travelers to New Orleans often make the trek to Cafe Du Monde
Business travelers to New Orleans often make the trek to Cafe Du Monde for their famous bag of beignets


The stress of time constraints, deadlines, and P&L’s lures us to take shortcuts. Our passion for the purpose is no longer our guiding force. Instead, the clock and the paycheck are our masters.

The growth of those we are leading is the last thing on our mind.

Is profit the goal? Is profit the reward?

We’re too busy to even ask these questions, let alone answer them profoundly.

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