We go straight to unlimited x-rated viewing with one simple click

young child in car seat with stuffed animals
There are many ways to raise a child – do we begin with the end in mind?


Yesterday a 9th grader visited the 7th and 8th graders and was sharing with them how his father taught him extensively about money. From the time he was a little boy he was shown the bills, payments, investments – he saw them all and even had to sign off that he read them.

Fast forward this same boy to 7th and 8th grade and the Internet.

The fatherly advice for free, unlimited, unrestricted Internet access? “Don’t go on You Tube, there’s bad stuff there”.

Not judging (even if it sounds like it). Rather, observing the difference in detail.

We teach what we know. Don’t we?

An expert money manager? For sure.

An Internet expert in the new, global social economy? You decide.

Online predators, pornography, hackers, bullies, age-inappropriate options.

The Academy of Motion Picture Sciences has ratings and we heed these and use our discretion.

The Internet? We go straight to unlimited x-rated viewing with one simple click.

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The glamour is in the art the artist creates

Oceanfront ballroom at The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida
This is the typical office of a full time professional speaker


Typical driveway view returning home from a speaking gig
Typical driveway view returning home from a speaking gig


Ain’t much glamour on the road, even though from a distance it seems so.

The glamour is in the art the artist creates.

Whether it be the ballroom set up, the menu, the stage, the agenda, or even the very simple act of noticing the time of day upon returning home – and pausing to appreciate it’s artful simplicity.

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Categorized as No really Tagged

General human blindness and wealth inequity in America


Three months ago Seth Godin shared this post which features a link to the video above, and dialogue unrelated to wealth. It’s mostly about how we have trouble visualizing important statistics and the video is really well done and effective at making things crystal clear.

What still is not clear, to me anyway, is how we put so much stock in tomorrow, without fully investing in today.

Not talking about money, rather personal leadership.

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People like this are either one or the other

one dozen microphones for big presentation at The Breakers
First class production all the way (three screens across the front, 12 microphones on the table)


The Breakers' meeting room view at sunrise
Two views – boastful or grateful (hint: starts with a ‘gr’)


The Breakers ocean front sidewalk
The ballroom is on the end – any closer and it would be in the ocean


We all work for a living (yes, there are exceptions).

Have to do or get to do?

The law of the harvest?

We reap what we sow?

Boastful or grateful?

Depends where on our vantage point.

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The Breakers iconic towers
Unmistakably The Breakers (from the beach side)


Can we simplify key, transformational learning points insights into a tagline, catchphrase, acronym?

Should we?

O4E – Overmanage for engagement.

Yeah, final answer – O4E.

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