Dear Son, every job you ever do will have two components

Disney's Grand Californian Resort Guest laundry
One of the simplest decisions all week.


Disney's Grand Californian Resort Guest laundry
Do the mundane with joy and gratitude


Be positive and find joy and gratitude in the ‘have-to-do’ parts of your job.


Because all ‘get-to-do’ parts come with a price.

Be willing to pay it or do something else.

And know the grass ain’t always greener on the other side.

This isn’t rocket surgery.

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We know this yet are tempted by old habits to never change

Disneyland compass entrance
Real life in real time… no fuss over traditional photography strategies


Learning to travel light is one of the best habits we can develop as we age.

Learning to accept and embrace imperfections is also remarkably healthy.


We know this yet are tempted by old habits to never change.

Get your CEO (of your life) involved if necessary.

And it will be necessary.

We know this.

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