Clutter steals our confidence

Fake owl statue
There is wisdom in not procrastinating. There is wisdom in leaving certain things undone. There is no map for this journey.


Clutter steals our confidence.

Clutter has one insidious, bottomline outcome.

We become a leader who develops an urgency addiction.

When “everything is important”, nothing is.

Sure, we become renowned “firefighters”, but we will never achieve the confidence that comes from envisioning and creating a future that is better than now, much better.

Our job as a leader is not to maintain things.

Our job as a leader is to make things better, remarkably better than now.

Sadly, without confidence, it will have to wait until tomorrow.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Clutter kills our career passion

Disney ESPN Sports complex
We had a moment when we realized we were driving through Disney World to go to our High School Homecoming Game, also at Disney.


Clutter kills our career passion.

Are you a victim?

Why do i ask?

The final 15 of my 30 years at Disney were spent speaking to over one-million people global through Disney Institute. One-third of the 2,000 clients i personally interfaced with were in Healthcare.

And now as an entrepreneur, the percentage is even higher. i love healthcare. The reasons (which no one cares about) are varied, many, and inspiring.

Here’s what i saw in a dream recently:

Can we put love back into medicine?

Is the goal of healthcare to make money or to extend the healing ministry of “Love”?

The clutter (competing priorities, not fixing poor leadership, not being intentional about everything) in the workplace keeps great organizations from caring for their culture. And once the culture is diseased, there’s little anyone can do.

However, there is a last resort, and it comes, ironically, with a price – call or text me (407-538-4341).




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Balance is not a myth

iPhone 6s Plus box labeling
Seemingly insignificant details. Closer inspection tells the story that this phone is intended to replace my iPad. Why? The iPad doesn’t fit in a pocket.


Balance is not a myth. To balance today’s posts, this one needs to remain at only two sentences.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Over managing brand building 101

iPhone 6s Plus and accessories
It was here for a week before i opened it this morning.


Apple has been named the world’s most admired company for the past eight years. Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, would like for Disney to hold that designation. Bold dream for Bob.

Both companies over-manage their cultural details. Details that no customer is aware of. Why? Because it’s the internal engine – customers don’t care how it works, they just know they love that it works better than anything else they’ve ever experienced.

What does this mean for any of us mere humans?

It means we can study and learn. And from learning, apply.

Thirty years as a Disney career insider. Seven years as an Apple customer and another 17 years as an “organizational cousin” by virtue of Disney Pixar Studios.

Some simple notes from the secret recipe…

Over managing your brand building 101:

Think inside the box.

Build your box’s four sides with:

  • vision (to be)
  • mission (to do)
  • brand (to feel)
  • customer (for whom)

Additional recipe “secrets”:

Values: These are for internal use only – how employees treat each other

Purpose: A single, unifying goal for every employee, every level

Founder’s story: Usually a hero’s story – connect emotionally to something bigger than self

Milestones: There are many – use them strategically to weave your story

Language: Special, powerful, unique, words that are part of the culture

Symbols: Same as language but applies to icons

Traits: Unique characteristics that you do better than others in your space

Behaviors: Demonstrable, and easily recognizable: a by-product of traits

i could go on, but this is a good place to stop (for now).




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

He asked when was the last time i looked at his website

jeff noel blogs

    Five daily blogs for 2,300+ consecutive days.


i asked him yesterday, “When was the last time you looked at my website?”

The hunch was correct.

It was before (and maybe never) i spent $700 to meet him in person.

He came highly recommended.

There is only so much i can do.

An entrepreneur should be ready for anything, including the obvious:

  • You will need to work harder than you have in the past
  • There are no guarantees
  • In the absence of direction from others, create your own

Without his appreciation for me “not quitting my full-time career” for six years while building an entrepreneurial business “in my spare time”, it’s going to be easier for me to be unimpressed with anything that looks like the lack of initiative on his part.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.