Intentionally waited until bedtime to be a leader

High School freshman studying
He spent the entire weekend preparing for finals week.


Intentionally waited until bedtime to tell him, “Your work ethic and focus impressed me this weekend.”

Wanted him to take that feedback to bed with him to ponder his behavior and hopefully begin to understand that there are times when the characteristics he demonstrated this weekend will serve him as an adult.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Personal leadership involves doing things that are invisible to most

Salvation Army pickup truck
Snapped this photo from our riding lawn mower yesterday morning.


Salvation Army pickup truck
Donated our dining room table and six chairs.


Personal leadership involves doing things that are invisible to most. In the corporate world, donating money, volunteering time, hosting fundraisers, and a list of other common ways to give back, are all marketed very carefully to the public.


Because it’s a great public relations strategy.

To do it invisibly would be considered a missed opportunity.

Oh well.

Note: The readership here, in the big picture, is so small, it’s the equivalent to it never happening.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

i am not the only expert in the room

Creative facilitation techniques
One of many classroom activities that reduces the “speaker-to-listener” ratio.


i am not the only expert in the room.

But i am the only Disney expert in the room.

Have you had the good fortune to be at a conference where there’s an astonishing ripple-effect buzz from one of the presentations?

What allows that to happen?

My job is to keep the audience – no matter the size or demographic – so engaged, they never have a chance to be bored, distracted, or disengaged.

My job is to have everyone walking out of the room .thinking . differently than they did when they entered.

May i be so bold as to say that expertise goes beyond content? Expertise in this arena is rare – the expertise to involve all the other experts in the room.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

The client said, “You should tell that to everyone.”

Winter Garden Theater at dusk
Spent three days here this week doing work that matters.


The client said, “You should tell that to everyone.”

It seemed important, but i didn’t think the audience would care. The client did. That had me rethink my opening remarks.

“i’m going to share with you 30 years of Disney experience. i could speak for 30 straight days about Disney content and not talk about the same thing twice. Today i’m going to share the most important essence in just two and a half hours.”




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Changed? Really?

Hilton by Disney Springs
Yesterday on the way to a client meeting.


Hilton by Disney Springs
Accidental photo – but it does capture the walk.


Hilton by Disney Springs
After the meeting walking back to car.


Hilton by Disney Springs
A photo can capture a lot of information.


Hilton by Disney Springs
The day prior, i taught a room of Healthcare professionals how to draw Mickey Mouse’s head.


Hilton by Disney Springs
Which managers?


Hilton by Disney Springs
A typical Lake Buena Vista Hilton meeting room. i’ve delivered keynote speeches here many times.


Changed? Really?

That’s what i asked, and she said, “Yes”.

We have been in negotiations for over a year. The CEO tapped her to keep it alive a few months ago after he wasn’t able to personally continue with it.

Just from our conversations (which i hadn’t realized were impactful to her), she was influenced to change some key behaviors. And her changes have been incredibly beneficial to her relationships with the eight member executive council, including her CEO.

Insight: You never know the power of a positive ripple effect.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.