How certain can anyone be?

10-year plan
what if we aged with a 10-year plan?

How certain can anyone be? Fair, midland, completely? Life is full of uncertainty. Chock full. So what’s the right formula? Truth be told, there is no certainty, except that one day, we will die. I made a 10-year plan just before turning 50:

  • 5 more years at Disney
  • 5 years to raise money for a Crohn’s disease cure

Insight: We live life by design or by default. A 10-year plan? What if we did?

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Are you being set up?

March 2012 Strengthsfinder 2.0 results...

Are you being set up? I mean, really, who can be so sure of themselves and their conditions, and not fear being politically incorrect? What do you think? Would you set your sights on the future with such clarity?

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Will I become suspect and written off?

drinking games
any idea how impossible it is to not drink in this environment? i do.

Would you take the risk of becoming suspect and written off, as described in yesterday’s post?

Time will tell. Bank on authenticity and integrity winning out over time. They’re way too transparent for anything but an unbelievably positive outcome.

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Doing things the opposite of mainstream helps me be a better Father. What if our son wants to know about the path less chosen?

The power of now

the world is starving for fresh ideas and transparent authenticity

Everything important becomes a skill. Planning ahead, being decisive, and ultimately, putting yourself out there, is a skill.

Unanimously, people have told me I shouldn’t let anyone know I’m leaving  on June 8, 2014. They say you’ll get written off and become suspect.

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Be social versus doing social

Following up from yesterday’s idea that there are no secrets anymore, how do we leverage our businesses (and personal lives) now that the Internet has changed everything?

For starters, we can pay attention. I do. It’s often a time investment, like this 15-minute video of Jay Baer at The Power Of Now – Connections 2011. Jay suggests we don’t “do social media”, he says we must “be social”. Big difference, but only if you study it:

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