What if common sense was more common?

Martin Luther King quote
Isn’t equality for every human being common sense? Why has it taken so long?


What if common sense was more common?

Which also begs the question, why isn’t it more common?

Which begs even more – who says its rare to begin with?

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Weird how scarcity helps us focus on self reflection

Mickey Mouse vinylmation characters in window display
Weird is as weird does


Weird how scarcity helps us focus on self reflection – and self improvement.

Haven’t been on a business trip in six weeks. Normally in six weeks, there are four or five trips.

But zero?



Get back on the horse plane.

Do great work tomorrow in Washington DC. Enjoy the travel, the privilege to do transformational work, and enjoy the occasional break from travel.

Insight: How often do we take stock in our work blessings?

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All opinions are, and have always been, this kind

Four Florida Sand Hill Cranes in front yard
Real life in real time. 50 meters from driveway entrance


All opinions on all Mid Life Celebration, LLC’s websites, are and have always been, this kind.


My personal opinions should never, in any way, be misconstrued nor interpreted as that of my full-time employer.

That being said, I work on the coolest, most innovative, passionate, talented, dedicated, fun, caring, forward-thinking, game-changing, and influential team of people one could hope to work with.

Feeling blessed.

And inspired.

And lucky.

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