A life lesson from a cab driver?

Wall mural with quotes
Some things are hard to decipher, Dave’s message was not


He had no money when he arrived in 1973, just a piece of paper (a passport-like travel document). No relatives, no friends, didn’t speak English.

What got our conversation started was him asking me what I do for a living. Professional speaker, here yesterday to teach Creativity and Innovation at Corporate College to the regional business community.

He has always been self-employed. Gas stations, shipping, transportation, etc. But in 2008, the EPA fined him $400,000. He went to get a loan from his long-time banker. The banker’s hands were tied. It was 2008 and the world’s economic walls were crumbling.

Eventually he paid an environmental lawyer $40,000 and then paid the EPA $10k instead of $400k.

In this same time period, he discovered his wife was seeing someone else. They divorced.

He thinks people who complain about trivial things are a joke.

Shared a smile, thanked him and told him it was a great blessing to meet him.

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Boomers, are these two attributes possible in a noisy, distracting world?

Mid Life Celebration book in Delta first class cabin
Marketing a book will stretch most people’s skill sets


Mid Life Celebration book in Cleveland
Marketing Mid Life Celebration will stretch all skill sets


Mid Life Celebration book in Cleveland
Mid Life Celebration: Baby Boomer’s foremost cultural movement? Yes, if marketed remarkably.


Mid Life Celebration is becoming the Baby Boomer’s foremost cultural movement.

rethink • reprioritize • recommit

Personal leadership is crucial for peace and contentment in a noisy, distracting world.

We know this.

Will we accept the challenge to transform with the movement, or will we continue to follow the herd?

It is our personal responsibility to decide and no one else’s.

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Ten leadership tactics going beyond the work related concept

Chefs de France photo
At work yesterday, but not working (what you see when not working)


Chefs de France photo
At work yesterday: this is what it looks like when actually working

Life lessons we already know:

1. pick your battles
2. forgive endlessly and without condition
3. pray for the poor (poor has many categories unrelated to money)
4. choose your friends wisely
5. control what you can, let go of what you can’t
6. be an example, not a warning
7. compassion
8. peace
9. love
10. know the source of your strength and hold on relentlessly

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