Your Brand Isn’t Good Enough

Best Daddy In the Universe
Best Daddy In the Universe

Your “Brand” is the first thing people think of when they hear your name or see you.

Brand is your reputation.

Most people think they have little to no control over this.


And here’s a blinding flash of the obvious, there’s a monumental difference between a good brand and a great brand.

Are you complacent or committed?

Is Your Number Unlisted?

Could 3rd Graders Find You?
Could 3rd Graders Find You?

If you want to keep people from finding you, what do you do?

You get an unlisted number, right?

It’s one of the most effective ways to keep people from getting in contact with you.

Do you have your own business? Are you in charge of a business? Will you be doing either one of these in the future?

Want a quick measure of your effectiveness?

Google your name or your business’s name.



PS. If 3rd graders can’t find you, you’re in trouble.

Your Parking Space?

You're Kidding, Right?
You're Kidding, Right?

Occasionally, we walk somewhere and we see the sign, “Reserved for so-and-so“.

Usually, reserved parking spaces are for those individuals who’ve contributed something really important.

In a world full of alpha-dogs, what does it take to earn a reserved parking space?

And, perhaps more importantly, what will it take to keep it?

Categorized as No really

One Question We Need To Ask

What Elephant?
What Elephant?

What do I need to stop doing?

Most of us spend our entire career asking this question, the wrong question, ‘What do I need to do more of?”

At most companies, few people have the courage and commitment to tell the truth, because the truth hurts. So leaders play it safe and never fully develop their people because it is so much easier to avoid confrontation.

What we need to stop doing overshadows all the good we do. But we will never know if we don’t ask the question often enough to get to the truth.

In America, this is known as The Elephant in the room.”

This Is The Secret Ingredient?


A crystal clear purpose.

So clear and so compelling that nothing, and no one, can stop you.

If we were born as an adult, instead of a completely helpless baby, we’d never learn to walk. Too difficult. Too much practice. Takes too long.

Adults would give up. They lack the determination and the will to not fail.