Is Disney’s Enthusiasm Transferable?

Is Disney’s Enthusiasm transferable?

I believe it is 100 percent transferable.

You know what is the second most contagious thing in the world?

Seriously, take a guess.

It’s the lack of enthusiasm.

Then what’s number one?


Walt Disney invented many things, was the “first to market” with many things, and Walt Disney did things people around him thought were crazy or even impossible.

But one thing Walt Disney didn’t do was invent enthusiasm.  Yet, he had more of it than just about anyone in history.

Enthusiasm is everywhere.  Enthusiasm is free.  Enthusiasm is our choice.  It is the same in any language.

A few people know that, due to health reasons, I became a runner over ten years ago.  However, when I came to the fork in the road, I took it (thank you Yogi Berra).  I did not become a marathoner.

Quite the opposite actually.

I’m a 400-meter runner.  A one-lap sprint.  As a Master’s Track & Field athlete, the USATF All-American standard of excellence is 57.5.  I have enthusiastically run under 56 seconds multiple times.

For a 50-year old, that is spectacular.

And yet, it pales in comparison to the 400 meter world record, held by USA’s Michael Johnson, at 43.18.

Do yourself a favor and watch this 60-second You Tube clip of Michael Johnson.  Listen to the voice of the announcer, who does not speak English, but it doesn’t matter.

You can tell something amazing is in progress as you can hear and feel the announcer’s enthusiasm build.

As you watch it, may I challenge you to ask yourself, “Am I enthusiastic”?

Not only does Michael Johnson win, he completely and utterly dominates the other world-class athletes.

That’s the goal in business – do something spectacular, make a mark on the world, and be recognized as the clear and dominant leader in your field.

Good luck and carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂