I Didn’t Get Clarification Yesterday Either

Okay, not the real Buddha, but close enough to inspire us.

Big dreamers make many promises to themselves, because so much needs to be done to reach big goals. The bigger the dream, the greater the potential failure and pain.

And then I meditated on the wisdom of true leadership. The most important things in life aren’t things. And they can not be rushed.

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Being Brave Means Asking For Help

Words to live by.

Being brave means asking for help. When we’re younger, we do this constantly, because we don’t know much. When we’re older, we do it sparingly because we know a ton. Plus, we don’t want to look stupid. But we rarely reach a point where we know enough to no longer need to ask. This post by Lee Cockerell illustrates the basics brilliantly.

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Midlife Celebration’s jeff noel Is Here To Summarize All The Leadership Books & Article Wisdom Into One Word

Take any setting where trust is important...
It can be serious, fun, whatever....
Along comes someone who has a reputation....
What do you do? Control the controllables.

Every book, article, blog, class on leadership all say the same thing. But they don’t come out and identify it as a single word. Not because it’s not important, but because few people think in terms of the most important word, period. That’s what jeff noel at Midlife Celebration has been doing for years – creating the thesis’ for complex, important topics.

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If Common Sense Makes Sense, Then Doesn’t It Make No Sense To Not Practice It?

If it's mid-February in Iowa, it's probably cold outside
Snow like this is from cold weather

Fellow Boomers, play along with jeff noel here, okay? It’s mid-February in Iowa, there’s a couple inches of snow on the ground and you need to walk across town. Let’s assume you’re not 21, but rather 51. Will you wear warm clothes for your 15-minute walk? Answer’s obvious – in this example and almost everything else life throws at us.

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To Teach Is To Learn

The Two, Why & How, Are Completely Different
The Two, Why & How, Are Completely Different


In teaching we actually learn a second time.

The second time we learn, not how, but why.

Why is the key to wisdom. Why is timeless, unchangeable law.

How is the flavor of the month, what’s popular now to get the job done. It changes like the wind.

It’s entirely possible, if you’re organized enough, that you can be a great teacher to anyone, but you do need to be organized, which is the theme at the Next Blog