Three reasons why not asking your boss for permission demonstrates you have finally arrived

Share joy? How can we not?
Share joy? How can we not?


Three reasons why not asking your boss for permission demonstrates you have finally arrived:

1. You didn’t ask because you figured it out for yourself. And it’s one less thing your boss needs to worry about.

2. You are so sure of yourself, you bet your career on it.

3. Worst case it’s reversible and it demonstrates your vision, courage, and judgement.

This is a joyful position to lead from.

All day. Everyday.

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What is important to you and how do others know?

jeff noel Orlando professional speaker
What guides your day?


What is important to you and how do others know this?

Most likely this question will catch many of us off guard and find us unable to instantaneously offer an answer such as…

Clarity • Simplicity • Focus • Execution

This is why following the herd (the rat race) and going through the motions is dangerous.

Think for yourself and have it down cold – because it’s who you are (at your core).

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Can a Middle School teacher inspire an international professional speaker?

Middle School parent orientation photo
Last night was inspiring (thank you Stephanie)


Can a Middle School teacher inspire an international professional speaker?


In fact anyone can inspire anyone else.

When we meet someone who has a clear, concise, and compelling vision, and is hell bent to see it become a reality – what happens?

(I rest my case your honor)

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jeff noel’s Epiphany Moment

The odds of failure increase the higher you reach…

jeff noel’s epiphany moment came when I realized how much room there is for failure when you wait until the day of to write five new, fresh, original blog posts.

Here’s the blogging insight: Readers can’t comprehend (because they really don’t care) the creative effort, inspired energy, and passionate commitment it takes to do something no one else on the Internet is doing.

It takes many years to become an overnight success. Only those with a clear, concise and compelling vision will break through to the tipping point.

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