The one obvious place no one looks for solutions

Grinnell Glacier Trail
Grinnell Glacier Trail, August 29, 2017, with Howard Doran (college fraternity brother).


The best solution is not where everyone is already looking.

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Invest time in earning repetitive attention or loyal business?

Best LinkedIn profile summary
Arguably the best LinkedIn profile summary i’ve ever seen, from yesterday.


Invest time in earning repetitive attention or loyal business?

Repetitive attention usually is from potential customers seeking “free”.

Loyal customers purchase from you and will purchase from you again, if you offer something remarkable in exchange for their money.

Yes, there’s a body of evidence saying you should give away your best stuff for free – to expose people to your work.

May i suggest inside-the-box-thinking is the key to understanding a compelling reason to .think .differently

i recently asked someone who touts listening to podcasts and believes i’m making a mistake by not having one.

So i asked him, “How much money have you spent on your favorite podcaster’s products?”


i rest my case.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


What’s the point of a (72-hour) challenge?

Disney Leadership author jeff noel
Yesterday, October 9, Day 31 of an epic 365-day writing challenge.


What’s the point of a challenge?

Just think about the question’s significance for a moment. And be mindful we aren’t always receptive to someone else challenging us.

Maybe that’s why challenges, especially brief ones, may not be something we’d give serious attention too.

Maybe never.

What can possibly be accomplished within 72 hours?

Here are some of my 72-hour challenges, they all began small and all transformed me:

  • i conclude every speech with a 72-hour challenge (since 2013)
  • i always use lower case i in all communications (lesson in humilty, since 2009)
  • lower case name on book (which authors do that?) (2013 Amazon)
  • 1 year not using me, my, i, mine (email, text, 1825 blog posts, Tweets, FB, LI) (2013)
  • answer every message within 24 hours (since 07.01.15)
  • drive the speed limit without exception (since 1999)
  • start each day on your knees, without exception (since 1999)
  • remain patient, without exception (2003, when our son was 2 years old)
  • don’t go more than 72 hours without exercising, some exceptions allowed (04.01.99)
  • eliminate cursing (1984 when i returned to Disney)
  • remain in constant gratitude, even when the sky is falling (since 1996)

What is the power of a catalyst?

No spark, no fire

No fire, no hope

No hope, no plan

No plan, no transformation


It all starts with a spark; some small change that leads to transformation if practiced, and honed, long enough.


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Benchmark, benchmark, benchmark

Disney leadership expert jeff noel
i’m glad most of this page is out of focus.


Benchmark, benchmark, benchmark.

This video is simply, and brilliantly produced.

Mike Dooley speaks truth in his own language, yet it’s a universal language that is work interpreting.

PS. Most workbooks i’ve benchmarked, including Disney’s, are typically packed with text.


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This website is about our MONEY. To ponder posts about our HQ, click here.


Yesterday, an aha moment

Yesterday, an aha moment.

i’ve spent countless hours thinking about the tone and message for my new website.

Tough love which is a direct, no-nonsense approach is fading and being replaced with contagious optimism.

A simple change that i believe might change everything.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.