Be your own personal consultant

Disney Operations leaders
Jungle Jeff at the world-famous Jungle Cruise last night. This time of year it’s creatively renamed The Jingle Cruise.

Be your own personal consultant:

  • Identify performance gaps
  • Establish business case for bridging the gaps
  • Identify incremental outcomes from DIY or hiring outside
  • Establish business case for hiring help

The goal is to outsource your weaknesses and inefficiencies to experts and or purchase software to eliminate redundant and lower cost tasks.


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Hate reading?

Howe Ridge fire Glacier 2018
Howe Ridge fire Glacier 2018, closeup of the northern edge above Lake McDonald.


Howe Ridge fire Glacier 2018
The main Howe Ridge fire at Glacier (started by lightning Augst 11, 2018) is behind the far ridge.


Read what you love until you love to read.” –


Hate reading?

i get it.

Many authors take 300 pages to say what could be said in 60.

Videos are a great way to learn about anything leadership.

Studying leadership is not optional.


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Take your time but hurry up

Disney Keynote Speaker retreat
Exact photo and email content…what you read next is what i emailed to someone, including this photo…


Forest fire smoke last year provided a view i’d never seen in 45 years of visiting.

Intentionally engage with nature…enjoy, have fun, inspire, refresh, rethink, renew, reprioritize, transform, recommit…the list goes on and on.

BFO – this is a fleeting, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to question everything you believe in and decide what your next 10 years hold for you, for the people you love, and for your professional career (your legacy).

Be amazed and be amazing.

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You are responsible for everything as an entrepreneur

ATT chat log
After 90 minutes (and four different agents) on the phone with ATT, we resolved two account issues. Five minutes later, i needed to invest another 30 minutes to fix a third issue – my plan changed without my consent or knowledge. Two hours i hadn’t planned on spending.


You are responsible for everything as an entrepreneur.

Not saying this to discourage you.

Saying it to enlighten you.

Know in advance there will be a steady stream of things requiring your attention.

Some of them are predictable.

Others are not – see photo notes above.

Master simplicity or the “busy-ness” will overwhelm you.

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Time management is about energy, not time

Muhlenberg dining hall
We drove as a Family to breakfast.


Muhlenberg dining hall
Our student tour guide described this dining hall as a cross between Hogwarts and a Ski Lodge.


Muhlenberg dining hall


walking in Allentown
Walking back to College hours after breakfast. This doubled my walking mileage for the day.


walking in Allentown
To show how close the Teddy Bears in the car are to the road.


Time Management shouldn’t be driven by a to-do list. Time management needs to be driven by priorities.

Giving attention to your responsibilities is hard to do because it takes time, focus, and self-discipline.

Who’s got time for that?

Focus, discipline, and expending energy (not time) is what elevates my life from survival to thriving.

Time and energy rarely walk together as equals.

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