Cataract followup, work

Doctors office waiting room
Anticipating good news just 24 hours post surgery.

The practice of blogging in one or two sentences is extraordinarily rare.


The practice of blogging in one or two sentences is extraordinarily rare. Kinda like a cataract lens implant failing.

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Cataract surgery, work

Medical office waiting room
Magruder Laser Vision has been voted number one in Orlando for the past 17 consecutive years.

As CEO, you have final say on your battle plan against fear.


There were some brief moments in the last 24 hours where fear wanted to enter my consciousness.

And this fear, i believe, would have been non-existent had i not been made aware of the possible implant-failure increased odds due to the eye’s structural degradation from two previous retina tear repair surgeries.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Map of the territory

Retina photos
Dr Kumar likes the way my retina looks.
Retina photos
Left, today’s photo. Right, two weeks ago. Dr Kumar used his handheld lens/light to physically look into my eye. He said there is (physically observable) definitive improvement.

Bad things happen when you least expect it. So it goes with good things too.


Positive begets positive.

Never forget that.

Bank on it, invest in it.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Someday is a liar

Banking on ‘someday’ is like banking on any non-guaranteed investment. Longterm, odds are low you will get what you hope for.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Put pressure on inside

prescription instructions
Dr. Kumar wants to restart Prednisol drops today.

Seems that blind ambition erased their intuition.

Jimmy Buffett (lyric)

Lyric from “Cowboy in the Jungle”.

The song continues: “Trying to cram lost years into five or six days.”

My insight: Don’t let your blind ambition erase your intuition.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.